Big Ban at Todaiji Temple “Ban”refers to the“flags” that are used during important Buddhist memorial services at temples. They are used to both beautifully adorn temples and honor Buddha. It is said that they act as a prayer of peace for all people and are believed to have the power to repel evil. The 8“Ban”displayed here, after being judged, were chosen from 64 works submitted by disabled people from all over Japan with the“Beauties of Nature”as the theme. We hope you enjoy the way they flutter gracefully in the wind.
主催:奈良県みんなでたのしむ大芸術祭実行委員会、奈良県 協力:東大寺
お問い合わせ:一般財団法人たんぽぽの家(奈良市六条西3-25-4 tel 0742-43-7055 fax 0742-49-5501)
Location of the Exhibition: Stores around Kintetsu Nara Station and other parts of the prefecture. This is the 13th time that the ‘Private Museum’ has been hosted showcasing artworks created by people with disabilities from Nara Prefecture and blended seamlessly into daily life in non-gallery settings. Please enjoy the various works displayed in cafes, shops, shrines and temples , etc. while walking around town!