
会期:2024年9月7日(土)〜9月30日(月) 9:00〜17:00(受付は16:30まで)

場所:薬師寺境内(アクセス) *拝観料が必要です。(拝観料について

主催:奈良県みんなでたのしむ大芸術祭実行委員会 奈良県 協力:薬師寺

*開催期間中に、荒天や諸事情により、一時的に幡の掲揚を中止する場合があります。当日の状況については、ウェブサイトをご確認ください。 ◎みん芸(奈良県みんなでたのしむ大芸術祭)  ◯たんぽぽの家FB

*お問い合わせ先:ビッグ幡in薬師寺(一般財団法人たんぽぽの家 tel 0742-43-7055 fax 0742-49-5501)





The 8 flags that are displayed are designed and made into banners based on the theme of “Kacho Fugetsu,” which was collected from people with disabilities from all over Japan.

“Ban” is a “flag” that is used at temples for important memorial services, and is used to beautifully decorate and honor Buddha and temples.

It is said that there is a meaning to pray for people’ s peace.

This time, at Yakushiji Temple, where the big banner event will be held for the second time, the banner that was displayed in last year’s “Big Banner in Todaiji” will flutter again with a new look.

Please enjoy up close the elegant appearance of the banners slowly dancing in the wind.