日時:2025年1月25日(土)第1部13:00~15:00 第2部16:00~17:30 交流会18:30~20:30
参加費:無料 ◎参加申し込みフォーム *交通のご案内とお願い
障害のある人の生きる場「たんぽぽの家」づくり運動からはじまり、わたぼうしムーブメント、エイブル・アート・ムーブメント、Good Job!プロジェクトなど、数々の市民運動を提唱、実践してきた、たんぽぽの家の代表の播磨靖夫が2024年10月3日に逝去しました。
播磨は自身の病気がわかった時点で、昨年末に女子美術大学でこれからの人にむけて行った講義を本にしたいと希望しました。そして、以前より「播磨さんの本をつくりたい」と考えてくれていた出版社「株式会社どく社」にご相談し、このたび12月に『人と人のあいだに生きるーー最終講義 エイブル・アート・ムーブメント』出版の運びとなりました。
第一部 13:00~15:00
・みんなで語ろう「Good Job! 播磨さん」
第二部 16:00~17:30
第三部 18:30~20:30
・1部からご参加の場合(13時開始) → 11時30分〜12時30分の間で順番に出発します。
・2部からご参加の場合(16時開始) → 15時〜15時40分の間で順番に出発します。
・3部からご参加の場合(18時30分開始) → 17時30分〜18時の間で順番に出発します。
Party in celebration of the publication of [Live between person and person – last lecture “Able Art Movement”] and Meeting of [Good Job! Harima-san]
Time and date: January 25th ,2025(Sat.)
Part 1: 13:00~15:00 Part 2: 16:00~17:30 Social gathering: 18:30~20:30
Place: Tanpopo-No-Ye (3-25-4 Rokujo Nishi, Nara City, JAPAN 630-8044)
Admission is free ◯Application Form *Form(only message)
Harima Yasuo, chairperson of Tanpopo-No-Ye, passed away on October 3rd, 2024, Harima had advocated and practiced so many movements of Building Tanpopo-No-Ye living place for people with disabilities, Wataboshi Movement, Able Art Movement, Good Job Project, and so on.
When Harima realized his disease, he wanted to publish a book about the last lecture at Joshibi University of Art and Design for young students at the end of last year. Dokusya Ltd., a publishing company which want to publish Harima’s book will publish the title book in this December. After making arrangements and checking the manuscript while undergoing medical treatment, Harima was very pleased to be able to fill the book with his messages. Unfortunately, we cannot publish the book during his lifetime.
We will hold a party in celebration of the publication of the book. We want to look back on Harima’s works and to talk about the future with everyone who had some relation or kindness to Harima. Many people come, join, interchange, and have a very good time. Harima will be delighted to see them, because he had loved the space where various people and various thought are mixed and they talk each other.
Tanpopo-No-Ye Foundation Wataboshi-No-Kai Social Welfare Corporation Nara Tanpopo-No-Kai
Part 1: 13:00~15:00
・Party in celebration of the publication
・Let’s talk about “Good Job! Harima-san”
Part 2: 16:00~17:30
・Talk “Society and Art in the future”
Social gathering: 18:30~20:30
Exhibition a the gallery of Art Center Hana
We exhibit Harima’s history, collection of books, art works which he loved. (coordinated by staffs)
If you bring memorial goods, we exhibit.
*In case of bad weather and so on, we change the schedule. Please check the website of Tanpopo-No-Ye.
*You may take the driving service of Tanpopo-No-Ye from Gakuen-mae station of Kintetsu Railway. Please check the time schedule of driving service at the website of Tanpopo-No-Ye.